Pokok Pikiran Kebudayaan Daerah
National cultural heritage registry
Front-end Dev

Project Overview
PPKD (Pokok Pikiran Kebudayaan Daerah) is a program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbud) that allows local communities to propose cultural ideas for inclusion in the national cultural database, Dapobud. The program is conducted systematically, moving from districts to cities, provinces, and finally to the national level.
My Role
This was my first project at the company, where I worked as a frontend developer. My main responsibilities included:
- Creating a landing page to present PPKD information.
- Visualizing proposal writing progress from different regions using an interactive map.
- Building a user-friendly proposal viewer
- displaying news related to the program.
- Assisting with debugging the PPKD dashboard, where PPKD data is managed. This involved working with Vue.js on a complex application.
Key Challenges
- First-time use of Mantine UI as a component library and MapLibre for map visualizations.
- Debugging a complex Vue.js application.
- Learning and implementing React Query for caching and data fetching, along with Zod for managing global states.