
Portfolio v4

Current portfolio website built using Next.js, Shadcn UI, and Sanity.io

Dark mode hero
Light theme hero
Project List
Project detail
Artcile List
Article Detail

Project Overview

This is the latest version of my personal portfolio website, which I developed using Next.js, Shadcn UI, and Sanity.io.

Shadcn UI is an incredibly flexible and customizable component library that helped me create a sleek and responsive frontend, while Sanity.io served as the headless CMS to manage content.

The portfolio includes sections for home, projects, and articles, all designed with a simple, elegant layout and user-friendly content. It also supports both dark and light themes for a personalized experience.

Key Challenges

  • Integrating Shadcn UI for the first time
  • Setting up and utilizing Sanity.io as the CMS backend
  • Creating a seamless dark/light mode experience
  • Creating modern, fresh, and simple UI